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I approve it in a bill, the Lower House about <new holiday >

In the Philippine Lower House, I do December 8 newly in particular with a holiday
A bill was approved. After the future, the deliberation in the Upper House,
It is expected that a bill is passed. This holiday is Catholicism
It is done at a church with a day in celebration of no original sin conception of the Virgin Mary and comes from that the Pope Pius ninth at the time established no original sin conception in a Catholic doctrine on December 8, 1854 and, in Italy, Spain, the country where there are many Catholics including Austria, seems to be already done with a holiday on that day. Besides, there are re-Sarh D on 30th, the last day of the year on 31st in the Philippines in the Christmas holidays on 25th on December 24 as a holiday of December, but is added more as a holiday on 8th.

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