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It is a visit to Philippines in <President Trump, November >
President Trump enters the Philippines on Sunday, November 12 and participates in an event of the 50th anniversary of the foundation of ASEAN (the Association of Southeast Asian Nations).
I attend ASEAN summit meeting the next day on Monday on 13th, and the first summit meeting is planned with the duterute President.
It is expected that a talk is made about drug destruction policies in the issue of South China Sea and the Philippines at this talk.
The 31st ASEAN summit meeting is held in a schedule on Tuesday of 5 days for from Friday, November 10 to 14th, but the venue is located in the northern part of Manila and is Clark in the distance of around two hours by car. During the period of the summit meeting, the guard of an airport and the downtown is strengthened than usual, and traffic regulation may be enforced.
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