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<December 26, January 2, special holiday >
The Philippine Executive Office of the President announces the holiday in particular on Thursday, December 14, and, on Tuesday, December 26, both days on Tuesday, January 2 will be done with a holiday.
By this holiday, Tuesday is 4 consecutive holidays for 4 consecutive holidays, from Saturday, December 30 to Tuesday, January 2 for from Saturday, December 23 to 26th.
January 2 is the work beginning in the Philippines, but a tendency to make a holiday in particular, and to assume the year-end and New Year holidays 4 consecutive holidays is seen as 2nd is considered to be a holiday in particular last year.
In addition, I make a holiday especially and, around the Christmas holidays, tend to lengthen consecutive holidays.
But it is not revealed beforehand as the announcement on the holiday is carried out especially after becoming just before it. When the thing with the setting of the holiday rate including golf falls on a holiday especially, it, please be careful as a rate is applied on a holiday.
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