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<Ramadan began in Ramadan of Islam>
Thursday, May 17 was the Ramadan of the Muslim, the first day of the Ramadan. In the Philippines, many people believe in Catholicism, but, on "after the Ramadan" and both days of "the Eid al-Adha" that are Islam holiday, it is often done with a holiday by the consideration to a domestic Muslim. The after the Ramadan holiday is a plan on Friday, June 15, but this Islam holiday is often announced from the ratio Executive Office of the President as a holiday without being done with the holiday from a beginning after cutting two weeks. In that case, please be careful as a rate is applied to an optional tour and golf with the pricing, other admission on a holiday on a holiday. In addition, Tuesday, June 12 is a holiday in Independence Day, too. As a holiday is included on 2nd in this week of June, please be careful on the guidance to a customer.
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