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About Islam holiday, Eid al-Adha
The field is a holiday for Ede Al = ad her (Eid al-Adha) of the Islam on Monday, September 12. The announcement on the holiday is several days ago and is often announced, but the tendency is particularly frequent on Islam holiday.
Most are Catholicism in the Philippines, but, as consideration to the Muslim whom there is much in the southern part, are often done with the holiday when it is nationwide about the Eid al-Adha on the Islam holiday and both days after the Ramadan.
For these past several years, I colonize as a holiday. There is not most of the influence on one seen the sights of, but please be careful when there is the pricing on weekdays and holidays including golf as a rate is applied on a holiday.
A company and the public institution are closed, but the shopping malls open. Japanese Embassy, consulate of Manila, the Cebu Davao consulate are closed.
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