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The duterute President participates in a celebration on the Emperor's Birthday, too

As the Emperor's Birthday is Friday, December 23, it is still originally a point, but the celebration held after the Peru Japan official residence occupation case that occurred in 1996 in overseas ambassador's residence changes a schedule and seems to be held. In Manila, Cebu, Davao with an embassy, the consulate,
A celebration was held by each, but was performed by sponsorship of the living-in-Davao Japanese Consulate in Davao on the night of Thursday, December 1.
The duterute President participated here this time, too, and the President seemed to speak congratulations and best wishes.
As the President participates in a celebration for the Mayor of Davao era, it is the second time this time. Japanese ambassador and consul, Japanese resident in Davao, approximately 100 people including of the Japanese-person seemed to participate

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