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Service for personal customers

I total it until informal appointment acquisition and support it

I will support an activity of individual employment consultation by the adviser, correction of a resume, the curriculum vitae, change of job applicant including the introduction of the regular staff job offer of inexperienced OK by total until an informal appointment by the attic change of job.
(person from trip/staying work welcome)

Main approach

▲I work on local cleaning
▲I work on tree planting
▲Visit of the offer company
[STEP1] Please contact our person in charge
At first, I explain a summary by a telephone and an email.
I will support the important change of job activity of the customer including the close inspection of a resume, the curriculum vitae for desired type of industry/type of job carefully.

[STEP2] Counseling
A full-time job hunting adviser gives you advice.
An adviser hears your story well and will help with the most suitable career planning.
As I will give information about the industry and the type of job as much as possible, I may notice the directionality of a fitting job and the carrier which I did not notice so far by yourself.

[STEP3] Selection, interview measures
The documents correction and interview measures are fulfilling, too!
I improve self-PR, rate to pass selection by desired motive making that I matched with each one.
By the simulated interview in the glance of personnel affairs/general affairs, I can pile up a lot of experience that is almost practice.

[STEP4] Interview, informal appointment
The after follow of the relief is perfect, too!
I perform an entering a company day and the negotiations of the condition that it is hard to tell to the company instead.

Our company carries out various activities other than these activities.
Attic change of job

Attic tours
Job placement Division
2-11-17, Shibakouen, Minato-ku, Tokyo
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